Friday, March 20, 2009

Derek Porter - "I Forgot"

Derek was kind enough to be the first Run and Gun victim with his song "I Forgot" off some album I'm sure will be coming out soon. He lives in Pilsen so we found this nice little underpass that was hardly used but had great acoustics, as these things do, and went for it. I don't have any decent mics for this camera yet, but the on board mic did an amazing job for what it is. There will definitely be more from Derek in the future.

Listen to more Derek Porter at



Creative Commons License
Run and Gun Shows by Dirty Cricket is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Run and Gun Shows are the property of Dirty Cricket, we shot them. We edited them and we uploaded them. But please feel free to share them with your friends. We want people to see them. If you could just be so kind as to give us credit. Other then that spread the love!

On the Run?

Interested in making a Run and Gun show? Just send us an email with a link to some of your music. We can't guarantee we'll like it, but if we do we'd love to work something out!


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